Program 91:Search a substring in a given string
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { int i,j,flag=0,len1,len2; char str[100],substr[100]; printf("Enter a string\n"); gets(str); printf("Enter a substring to be searched\n"); gets(substr); len1=strlen(str); len2=strlen(substr); for(i=0;i<=len1-len2;i++) { for(j=i;j<i+len2;j++) { flag=1; if(str[j]!=substr[j-i]) { flag=0; break; } } if(flag==1) break; } if(flag==1) { printf("Search is Successful\n"); } else { printf("Search is not Successful\n"); } }Explanation:
- This program starts with initializing :
- i,j → used as helping variable
- str → To store input from user
- substr →To store substring to search
- len1,len2→ To store length of str and sustr
- flag →To use this for checking whether the given substr is present in str
- i,j → used as helping variable
printf("Enter a string\n"); gets(str); printf("Enter a substring to be searched\n"); gets(substr);
Taking input from user where str represents string(let's take "all c program") and substr represents substring("lets take "all c" as substring)for(i=0;i<=len1-len2;i++) {
length of "all c programs" is 14(i.e from 0 to 13) in arrays and "all c" is 5. So len1=14 and len2=5.len1-len2=9.The loop iterates 10 times from 0 to 9.- Why len1-len2?
- Main logic
for(j=i;j<i+len2;j++) { flag=1; if(str[j]!=substr[j-i]) { flag=0; break; } }//end of forloop if(flag==1) break;
i will traverse from 0 to 9(len1-len2) for each iteration i will be incremented by 1.len1=14,len2=5- Iteration 1:j=i →j=0,j<0+5 which is true so loop is executed
- j=0
- flag=1 by default when ever the loop is entered
- now str[0]!=substr[0-0]→a!=a which is false so flag remains same
- now j is incremented by 1 so j=1
- Iteration 2:j=1 ,1<0+5 which is true so loop is executed
- j=1,flag=1
- now str[1]!=substr[1-0]→l!=l which is false so flag remains same
- now j is incremented by 1 so j=2
- Iteration 3:j=2 ,2<0+5 which is true so loop is executed
- j=2,flag=1
- now str[2]!=substr[2-0]→l!=l which is false so flag remains same
- now j is incremented by 1 so j=3
- Iteration 4:j=3 ,3<0+5 which is true so loop is executed
- j=3,flag=1
- now str[3]!=substr[3-0]→space!=space which is false so flag remains same
- now j is incremented by 1 so j=4
- Iteration 5:j=4 ,4<0+5 which is true so loop is executed
- j=4,flag=1
- now str[4]!=substr[4-0]→c!=c which is false so flag remains same
- now j is incremented by 1 so j=5
- Iteration 4:j=5,5<0+5 which is false so loop is terminated
- So the if part is never executed at all in 5 iterations so flag is remained as 1
- finally when flag=1 then the main loop for(i=0;i<len1-len2;i++) is terminated as if(flag==1){break;} is there inside the 1st forloop
- Iteration 1:j=i →j=0,j<0+5 which is true so loop is executed
if(flag==1) { printf("Search is Successful\n"); } else { printf("Search is not Successful\n"); }
As flag ==1 which is true so the if part is executed So Search is successful