- Home
- Basics
- Basic Programs
- To print Hello World
- To print from 1 to 100 numbers
- To print Alphabets from A-Z
- Print Alphabets from a-z(small)
- To print whether given number is Odd or Even
- To print all the odd number till ‘N’
- To swap two numbers using 3rd variable
- Swapping two values without using 3rd variable
- To find if the given year is leap year or not
- To convert given days to years,week and days
- Biggest of three numbers
- Multiplication by using Addition
- Company Bonus on Salary
- Calculate Gross Salary from given Basic Pay
- Coming Soon..
- Numbers
- Sum of N numbers
- Sum of all digits in a number
- To print the reverse of a given number
- To find whether given number is palindrome or not
- Sum of all integers divisible by 2 between two numbers
- To find factorial of a number
- To print Fibonacci Series
- To know whether given number is Prime or Not
- To Print all prime number within the given number
- To print whether the number is armstrong number or not
- To know all the armstrong numbers between 1 and given number
- To know whether the given number is perfect number or not
- To Print all Perfect number between 1 and given number
- Program to print whether given Number is Happy or not
- Program to print all Happy Numbers till N
- Check Repeated digits in Given Number
- Mathematics
- Mathematics I
- Print Areas of various Polygons
- Print Sine Value Mathematically and using Library Function
- Print Cosine Value Mathematically and using Library Function
- To find Quadrant of given Co-Ordinates
- To find roots of quadratic equation
- Calculator
- To Print GCD and LCM
- Calculate Simple Interest in all Ways
- Calculate only Simple Interest
- To Calculate Compound Interest
- Calculate Polynomial Equation
- To Calcualte Permutation value nPr
- To Calcualte Combination value nCr
- Multiplicative Inverse
- Check if number is power of Integer
- Display Mean,Variance and Standard Deviation
- Mathematics II
- Mathematics I
- Sum Series
- Sum of Series 1+1/2+1/3+1/4....+1/N
- Sum of Series 1/1!+2/2!+3/3!+4/4!....+1/N!
- To find sum of series in A.P
- To find Sum of GP Series
- Sum of Series 1^2+2^2+3^2+......n^2
- Sum of Series 1^2-2^2+3^2-......+n^2
- AP given Common difference and Number of Terms
- 1^1/1!+2^2/2!+3^3/3!.. upto n terms
- Sum Series (1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+4)+......till N)
- Sum Series (1+(1*2)+(1*2*3)+....till N
- Generate Series -1,4,-7,10,-13....till N
- Coming Soon..
- Bitwise Operations
- Recursions
- Conversions
- Convert Decimal to Binary
- Convert Binary to Decimal
- Convert Roman to Decimal
- Convert Decimal to Octal
- Convert Octal to Decimal
- Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Currency Length Speed Conversions
- All in One Conversion(total 12)
- Binary to Octal
- Binary to Hexadecimal
- Octal to Binary
- Coming Soon..
- Preprocessor
- Basic Programs
- Strings
- String Part I
- To know whether the character is vowel or not
- To Count number of vowels in a string
- To know the length of a string without using string functions
- To count number of words in a sentence
- To count number of times a letter repeated in sentence
- To count vowels in sentence
- Frequency of each character in senetence
- To convert upper to lower and vice versa
- To Print number of white spaces in sentence
- To know whether the given string is Palindrome or not
- To print the reverse of given string
- To concatenate two strings
- To count vowels,consonants,digits and special characters
- Search a substring in a given string
- Compare two strings
- To print sum of digits in string
- String Part II
- To find the first capital letter in a given string
- To find whether the given substring is present in string or not
- To split sentence for a given character
- To Sort names in Alphabetical order
- Reverse of Words in Given Sentence
- Largest and Smallest Word of a Sentence
- Largest and Smallest Palindrome of a Sentence
- Circulary Permute the String for N times
- Remove Repeated Words in String
- Replace the Substring with the given String
- 'N' Characters from the given Position of a String
- Limit number of Characters entered by User
- Find Words with Consecutive Vowels in Sentence
- Find Subsets of Given String
- Find all Words Ended with given Character
- Check both Strings are Anagrams or not
- Coming Soon..
- String Part III
- Check whether all Characters from String 1 matches String 2
- Letters which are repeated more number of time
- Find First Small Letter in String
- Number of Characters need to make a String Palindrome
- Print ASCII Values of letters in string
- Print ASCII value of given Character and Print its next character
- Display Reverse of Number in words
- Reverse of Given Number in words separate digits
- String using Library Functions
- String Part I
- Arrays
- General-I
- To find Average of Class
- To find Sum of Negative and Positive integers
- To find minimum and maximum of given numbers
- To find first 2 maximum numbers in array
- To separate even and odd numbers in an array
- Delete a specified integer in array
- Insert an element into an array at a specified position
- To Remove repeated elements in an Array
- To merge Two Arrays in sorted order
- To print Union and Intersection of given Array
- Program to display Array Pairs whose Sum is equal to a Number
- Largest Difference between Array Elements
- Frequency of digits
- Count of Armstrong and Palindromes
- Average of Numbers in Array at Even Positions
- Reverse Array Elements using Swapping Method
- Nearest zero for Array pair Sum
- Numbers repeated Odd number of times in array
- General-II
- Matrices Part I
- Addition of 2 matrices
- Difference of 2 matrices
- Multiplication of 2 matrices
- To Add 'N' Matrices
- To get difference of 'N' Matrices
- To Multiply 'N' Matrices
- To compare 2 Matrices
- To Transpose a given Matrix
- To Find Trace of a given matrix
- To find whether given Matrix is Identity or not
- To find sum of rows and columns in a matrix
- To find Sum of all Diagonals in a matrix
- To find whether given matrix is Sparse Matrix or not
- To find Normal of Given matrix
- Display Upper and Lower Triangle of given Matrix
- To Print Sum of Upper and Lower Triangle of matrix
- Matrices Part II
- Search
- Sort
- Sort array in Ascending order
- Sort array in Descending order
- To Sort names in Alphabetical order
- Bubble Sort
- Bubble Sort using Recursion
- Insertion Sort
- Selection Sort
- Arrange Rows and Columns of Matrix in Ascending order
- Arrange Rows,Columns in Ascending order (Method II)
- Arrange Rows and Columns of Matrix in Desc. order
- Arrange Rows in Ascending and Columns in Desc. order
- Odd Even Sorting
- Quick Sort
- Coming Soon..
- General-I
- Files/Structures/DS
- Files
- Reading a File and Printing on console
- Writing into file
- To Append Text into a File
- To print Sum of integers in File
- To print number of Spaces,lines,characters and Tabs in a File
- To Copy text from one File to Another File
- Display File Size
- Create a file with a set of numbers and write Odd and Even numbers into separate files
- See More at Application...
- Coming Soon..
- Structures
- Data Structures
- Files
- Patterns
- Numerical Patterns
- To Print Floyds Triangle Pattern
- Number Pyramid
- Number Diamond Pattern
- Number Diamond Pattern 2 for given pattern
- Pascals Triangle
- Right angle triangle pattern
- Right angle Pattern 2
- Right angle pattern 3
- Numerical Pattern 1
- Numerical Pattern 2
- Reverse Right Angle Pattern 1
- Reverse Right Angle Pattern 2
- Reverse Right Angle Pattern 3
- Reverse Right Angle Pattern 4
- Numeric Pattern 4 consecutive numbers
- Number X Pattern
- Program to Display Reverse Number X Pattern
- Spiral Number Pattern
- Chakravyuha Pattern
- Generate Given Numerical Pattern 6_1
- Numerical Hollow Parallelogram
- Coming Soon1.2..
- Alpha Patterns
- Alphabetical Pattern 1
- Alphabetical Pattern 2
- Alphabetical Pattern 3
- Alphabetical Pattern 4
- Alphabetical Pattern 6
- Reverse Alpha Pattern 1
- Reverse Alpha Pattern 2
- Reverse Alpha Pattern 3
- Reverse Alpha Pattern 4
- X Pattern String
- Reverse X Pattern String
- Alphabet as Symbol Pattern
- Reverse V Alphabet Pattern
- Spiral Alphabet Pattern
- Coming Soon..
- Symbols Patterns
- Miscellaneous Patterns
- Numerical Patterns
- Pyramids
- Symbols Pyramid
- Alpha Pyramid
- Number Pyramid
- Games/Apps
- Games
- Applications Part I
- Get Calendar for Given Year and Month
- Lucky Winner
- Multiplication Table
- Generate Morse Code
- Tell me any Date ,I will tell you the Day
- Read a Date and print the number of days elapsed from 1st January of the given year
- Currency Length Speed Conversions
- Voting System
- Limit number of Characters entered by User
- Program to run html file,to shutdown and to restart
- Authenticating User based on 3 Attempts
- Authenticating User based on 3 Attempts
- Coming Soon..
- Applications Part II
- Chakravyuha Pattern
- Rearrange Entered C Code
- Create Agenda for given Day
- Money printed in Words
- External Storage Class
- Wall Clock Method 1
- Wall Clock Method 2
- Online Shopping Program
- Medical Store Management System
- Compound interest for Given Years with next 4 rates
- ATM Machine
- Store Contacts in Text file
- Password Generator
- Calculate Electricity Bill
- Print all possible squares from given N Co-ordinates
- Pizza Hut Management System
- Coming Soon..
- Ciphers
- Encryption
- Decryption
- Caesar Code Decrypt
- Morse Code Decrypt
- Rail Fence Decrypt
- Binary Code Decrypt
- Numeral Code Decrypt
- ASCII Code Decrypt
- Atbash Cipher Decrypt
- Latin Alphabet Cipher Decrypt
- Scytale Cipher Decrypt
- One Time Pad Cipher Decrypt
- Viginere Cipher Decrypt
- Affine Cipher Decrypt
- Polybius Square Cipher Decrypt
- PlayFair Cipher Decrypt
- Coming Soon..
- Pointers
- Printing Values in Variables using Pointers
- Swap two numbers using Pointers
- To Copy one string to other String using Pointers
- To print length of a string using Pointers
- To Concatenate two strings using Pointers
- To Compare 2 strings using Pointers
- To Print values in array by incementing Pointer
- To Print values in array by Decrementing Pointer
- Printing Character Array using Pointers
- To print Sum of numbers in array usng Pointers
- 'N' Characters from the given Position of a String using Pointers
- Add 2 Matrices using Pointers
- Subtract 2 Matrices using Pointers
- Coming Soon..
- Storage
- Programs List
Copied Successfully
Friday 31 March 2017
Wednesday 29 March 2017
Tuesday 28 March 2017
Monday 27 March 2017
Sunday 26 March 2017
Saturday 25 March 2017
Wednesday 22 March 2017
Tuesday 21 March 2017
Monday 20 March 2017
Program to print 'N' Characters from the given Position of a String using Pointers
Program to print 'N' Characters from the given Position of a String using Pointers. To Learn this Code CLICK HERE
Sunday 19 March 2017
Learn How to Print a Symbol Pattern of an Alphabet
Learn How to Print a Symbol Pattern of an Alphabet at
Saturday 18 March 2017
Replace the Substring with the given String
Replace the Substring with the given String
Learn this Code at:https://cprograms4future.blogspot.in/p/replace-string-substring.html
Friday 17 March 2017
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List of all C Programs arranged under Categories in single page(Old Version) |
List of all C Programs without Categories |
Basics | Numbers | Mathematics | Sum Series | Strings |
Strings using Library Functions | Conversions | Arrays | Sort and Search | Matrices |
Storage Classes | Pointers | Structures | Files | Numerical Patterns |
Alphabetical Patterns | Symbol Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | Symbol Pyramids | Alpha Pyramids |
Number Pyramids | Games | Applications | Encryption/Cipher | Decryption |
Recursion | DS |
Compiler Used by me | C-Free 5.0(Recommended) |
Other Compilers | Code Blocks(Recommended) |
Online Compilers | Ideone(Remember to give input before executing online where ever necessary) |
All in one Conversion
Alpha Numeric Pattern
Alpha Patterns
Alpha Pyramid
bitwise operations
Data Structures
for loop
function pointer
Numerical Patterns
Sand Glass Pattern
spaces in c
String library functions
sum series
Symbol Patterns
unsigned long long int
X Pattern