Compiler Used by me | C-Free 5.0(30 days free trail)(Recommended) |
Other Compilers | Code Blocks(free ware)(Recommended) |
Online Compilers | Ideone(Remember to give input before executing online where ever necessary) |
- Home
- Basics
- Basic Programs
- To print Hello World
- To print from 1 to 100 numbers
- To print Alphabets from A-Z
- Print Alphabets from a-z(small)
- To print whether given number is Odd or Even
- To print all the odd number till ‘N’
- To swap two numbers using 3rd variable
- Swapping two values without using 3rd variable
- To find if the given year is leap year or not
- To convert given days to years,week and days
- Biggest of three numbers
- Multiplication by using Addition
- Company Bonus on Salary
- Calculate Gross Salary from given Basic Pay
- Coming Soon..
- Numbers
- Sum of N numbers
- Sum of all digits in a number
- To print the reverse of a given number
- To find whether given number is palindrome or not
- Sum of all integers divisible by 2 between two numbers
- To find factorial of a number
- To print Fibonacci Series
- To know whether given number is Prime or Not
- To Print all prime number within the given number
- To print whether the number is armstrong number or not
- To know all the armstrong numbers between 1 and given number
- To know whether the given number is perfect number or not
- To Print all Perfect number between 1 and given number
- Program to print whether given Number is Happy or not
- Program to print all Happy Numbers till N
- Check Repeated digits in Given Number
- Mathematics
- Mathematics I
- Print Areas of various Polygons
- Print Sine Value Mathematically and using Library Function
- Print Cosine Value Mathematically and using Library Function
- To find Quadrant of given Co-Ordinates
- To find roots of quadratic equation
- Calculator
- To Print GCD and LCM
- Calculate Simple Interest in all Ways
- Calculate only Simple Interest
- To Calculate Compound Interest
- Calculate Polynomial Equation
- To Calcualte Permutation value nPr
- To Calcualte Combination value nCr
- Multiplicative Inverse
- Check if number is power of Integer
- Display Mean,Variance and Standard Deviation
- Mathematics II
- Mathematics I
- Sum Series
- Sum of Series 1+1/2+1/3+1/4....+1/N
- Sum of Series 1/1!+2/2!+3/3!+4/4!....+1/N!
- To find sum of series in A.P
- To find Sum of GP Series
- Sum of Series 1^2+2^2+3^2+......n^2
- Sum of Series 1^2-2^2+3^2-......+n^2
- AP given Common difference and Number of Terms
- 1^1/1!+2^2/2!+3^3/3!.. upto n terms
- Sum Series (1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+4)+......till N)
- Sum Series (1+(1*2)+(1*2*3)+....till N
- Generate Series -1,4,-7,10,-13....till N
- Coming Soon..
- Bitwise Operations
- Recursions
- Conversions
- Convert Decimal to Binary
- Convert Binary to Decimal
- Convert Roman to Decimal
- Convert Decimal to Octal
- Convert Octal to Decimal
- Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Currency Length Speed Conversions
- All in One Conversion(total 12)
- Binary to Octal
- Binary to Hexadecimal
- Octal to Binary
- Coming Soon..
- Preprocessor
- Basic Programs
- Strings
- String Part I
- To know whether the character is vowel or not
- To Count number of vowels in a string
- To know the length of a string without using string functions
- To count number of words in a sentence
- To count number of times a letter repeated in sentence
- To count vowels in sentence
- Frequency of each character in senetence
- To convert upper to lower and vice versa
- To Print number of white spaces in sentence
- To know whether the given string is Palindrome or not
- To print the reverse of given string
- To concatenate two strings
- To count vowels,consonants,digits and special characters
- Search a substring in a given string
- Compare two strings
- To print sum of digits in string
- String Part II
- To find the first capital letter in a given string
- To find whether the given substring is present in string or not
- To split sentence for a given character
- To Sort names in Alphabetical order
- Reverse of Words in Given Sentence
- Largest and Smallest Word of a Sentence
- Largest and Smallest Palindrome of a Sentence
- Circulary Permute the String for N times
- Remove Repeated Words in String
- Replace the Substring with the given String
- 'N' Characters from the given Position of a String
- Limit number of Characters entered by User
- Find Words with Consecutive Vowels in Sentence
- Find Subsets of Given String
- Find all Words Ended with given Character
- Check both Strings are Anagrams or not
- Coming Soon..
- String Part III
- Check whether all Characters from String 1 matches String 2
- Letters which are repeated more number of time
- Find First Small Letter in String
- Number of Characters need to make a String Palindrome
- Print ASCII Values of letters in string
- Print ASCII value of given Character and Print its next character
- Display Reverse of Number in words
- Reverse of Given Number in words separate digits
- String using Library Functions
- String Part I
- Arrays
- General-I
- To find Average of Class
- To find Sum of Negative and Positive integers
- To find minimum and maximum of given numbers
- To find first 2 maximum numbers in array
- To separate even and odd numbers in an array
- Delete a specified integer in array
- Insert an element into an array at a specified position
- To Remove repeated elements in an Array
- To merge Two Arrays in sorted order
- To print Union and Intersection of given Array
- Program to display Array Pairs whose Sum is equal to a Number
- Largest Difference between Array Elements
- Frequency of digits
- Count of Armstrong and Palindromes
- Average of Numbers in Array at Even Positions
- Reverse Array Elements using Swapping Method
- Nearest zero for Array pair Sum
- Numbers repeated Odd number of times in array
- General-II
- Matrices Part I
- Addition of 2 matrices
- Difference of 2 matrices
- Multiplication of 2 matrices
- To Add 'N' Matrices
- To get difference of 'N' Matrices
- To Multiply 'N' Matrices
- To compare 2 Matrices
- To Transpose a given Matrix
- To Find Trace of a given matrix
- To find whether given Matrix is Identity or not
- To find sum of rows and columns in a matrix
- To find Sum of all Diagonals in a matrix
- To find whether given matrix is Sparse Matrix or not
- To find Normal of Given matrix
- Display Upper and Lower Triangle of given Matrix
- To Print Sum of Upper and Lower Triangle of matrix
- Matrices Part II
- Search
- Sort
- Sort array in Ascending order
- Sort array in Descending order
- To Sort names in Alphabetical order
- Bubble Sort
- Bubble Sort using Recursion
- Insertion Sort
- Selection Sort
- Arrange Rows and Columns of Matrix in Ascending order
- Arrange Rows,Columns in Ascending order (Method II)
- Arrange Rows and Columns of Matrix in Desc. order
- Arrange Rows in Ascending and Columns in Desc. order
- Odd Even Sorting
- Quick Sort
- Coming Soon..
- General-I
- Files/Structures/DS
- Files
- Reading a File and Printing on console
- Writing into file
- To Append Text into a File
- To print Sum of integers in File
- To print number of Spaces,lines,characters and Tabs in a File
- To Copy text from one File to Another File
- Display File Size
- Create a file with a set of numbers and write Odd and Even numbers into separate files
- See More at Application...
- Coming Soon..
- Structures
- Data Structures
- Files
- Patterns
- Numerical Patterns
- To Print Floyds Triangle Pattern
- Number Pyramid
- Number Diamond Pattern
- Number Diamond Pattern 2 for given pattern
- Pascals Triangle
- Right angle triangle pattern
- Right angle Pattern 2
- Right angle pattern 3
- Numerical Pattern 1
- Numerical Pattern 2
- Reverse Right Angle Pattern 1
- Reverse Right Angle Pattern 2
- Reverse Right Angle Pattern 3
- Reverse Right Angle Pattern 4
- Numeric Pattern 4 consecutive numbers
- Number X Pattern
- Program to Display Reverse Number X Pattern
- Spiral Number Pattern
- Chakravyuha Pattern
- Generate Given Numerical Pattern 6_1
- Numerical Hollow Parallelogram
- Coming Soon1.2..
- Alpha Patterns
- Alphabetical Pattern 1
- Alphabetical Pattern 2
- Alphabetical Pattern 3
- Alphabetical Pattern 4
- Alphabetical Pattern 6
- Reverse Alpha Pattern 1
- Reverse Alpha Pattern 2
- Reverse Alpha Pattern 3
- Reverse Alpha Pattern 4
- X Pattern String
- Reverse X Pattern String
- Alphabet as Symbol Pattern
- Reverse V Alphabet Pattern
- Spiral Alphabet Pattern
- Coming Soon..
- Symbols Patterns
- Miscellaneous Patterns
- Numerical Patterns
- Pyramids
- Symbols Pyramid
- Alpha Pyramid
- Number Pyramid
- Games/Apps
- Games
- Applications Part I
- Get Calendar for Given Year and Month
- Lucky Winner
- Multiplication Table
- Generate Morse Code
- Tell me any Date ,I will tell you the Day
- Read a Date and print the number of days elapsed from 1st January of the given year
- Currency Length Speed Conversions
- Voting System
- Limit number of Characters entered by User
- Program to run html file,to shutdown and to restart
- Authenticating User based on 3 Attempts
- Authenticating User based on 3 Attempts
- Coming Soon..
- Applications Part II
- Chakravyuha Pattern
- Rearrange Entered C Code
- Create Agenda for given Day
- Money printed in Words
- External Storage Class
- Wall Clock Method 1
- Wall Clock Method 2
- Online Shopping Program
- Medical Store Management System
- Compound interest for Given Years with next 4 rates
- ATM Machine
- Store Contacts in Text file
- Password Generator
- Calculate Electricity Bill
- Print all possible squares from given N Co-ordinates
- Pizza Hut Management System
- Coming Soon..
- Ciphers
- Encryption
- Decryption
- Caesar Code Decrypt
- Morse Code Decrypt
- Rail Fence Decrypt
- Binary Code Decrypt
- Numeral Code Decrypt
- ASCII Code Decrypt
- Atbash Cipher Decrypt
- Latin Alphabet Cipher Decrypt
- Scytale Cipher Decrypt
- One Time Pad Cipher Decrypt
- Viginere Cipher Decrypt
- Affine Cipher Decrypt
- Polybius Square Cipher Decrypt
- PlayFair Cipher Decrypt
- Coming Soon..
- Pointers
- Printing Values in Variables using Pointers
- Swap two numbers using Pointers
- To Copy one string to other String using Pointers
- To print length of a string using Pointers
- To Concatenate two strings using Pointers
- To Compare 2 strings using Pointers
- To Print values in array by incementing Pointer
- To Print values in array by Decrementing Pointer
- Printing Character Array using Pointers
- To print Sum of numbers in array usng Pointers
- 'N' Characters from the given Position of a String using Pointers
- Add 2 Matrices using Pointers
- Subtract 2 Matrices using Pointers
- Coming Soon..
- Storage
- Programs List
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List of all C Programs arranged under Categories in single page(Old Version) |
List of all C Programs without Categories |
Basics | Numbers | Mathematics | Sum Series | Strings |
Strings using Library Functions | Conversions | Arrays | Sort and Search | Matrices |
Storage Classes | Pointers | Structures | Files | Numerical Patterns |
Alphabetical Patterns | Symbol Patterns | Miscellaneous Patterns | Symbol Pyramids | Alpha Pyramids |
Number Pyramids | Games | Applications | Encryption/Cipher | Decryption |
Recursion | DS |
Compiler Used by me | C-Free 5.0(Recommended) |
Other Compilers | Code Blocks(Recommended) |
Online Compilers | Ideone(Remember to give input before executing online where ever necessary) |
All in one Conversion
Alpha Numeric Pattern
Alpha Patterns
Alpha Pyramid
bitwise operations
Data Structures
for loop
function pointer
Numerical Patterns
Sand Glass Pattern
spaces in c
String library functions
sum series
Symbol Patterns
unsigned long long int
X Pattern